My expertise in Depression has been very much a hands on, learn by doing, approach. I’ve learned more than I ever cared to know and I would not wish this on anyone. But my words are all over this site and if you’ve made it this far, you’ve probably been touched by Depression yourself or in someone you know and love. Here are some sources that I hope will help you understand more about this condition that affects over 300 million people worldwide every year.
National Institute of Mental Health information and statistics about Depression:
Overview of Depression by the NIH
Depression Symptoms and Types
National Alliance of Mental Illness
American Psychiatric Association – What is Depression:
US National Library of Medicine
Ted Talks; everything below I’ve listened to and strikes a chord with me in some way, but there are many others out there as well. Just search on “Depression” The numbers following the title is the length in minutes and seconds MM:SS
Bill Bernat: How to connect with depressed friends – 13:10
Nikki Webber Allen: Don’t suffer your Depression in silence – 6:21
Sangu Delle: There’s no shame in taking care of your mental health – 9:06
JD Schramm: Break the silence for suicide attempt survivors – 3:58
Dixon Chibanda: Why I train grandmothers to treat Depression – 12:16
Andrew Soloman: Depression, the secret we share – 29:09